Grover Athletics
Oak Grove offers a wide variety of athletics for students, starting in elementary school and spanning all the way to Senior High Varsity teams.
High School Athletics
Athletic & Activities Director: Brent Wolf
(701) 373-7149
Girls Volleyball
Grades 9-12
Season: Fall
Coach: Mikaela Hestdalen
Girls Basketball
Grades 9-12
Season: Winter
Coach: Chad Slyter
Boys Basketball
Grades 9-12
Season: Winter
Coach: Kyle Card
Boys Baseball
Grades 7-12
Season: Spring
Coach: Justin Pieterick
Boys Golf
Grades 7-12
Season: Spring
Coach: Dan Martinson
Girls Golf
Grades 7-12
Season: Fall
Coach: Laine Brantner
Boys & Girls Track
Grades 7-12
Season: Spring
Coach: Tim McLagan
Boys & Girls Trapshooting
Grades 7-12
Season: Fall & Spring
Coach: Brad Sunderland
Sports Physicals: NDHSAA has altered its policy of annual sports physicals to participate in any 7-12 grade school-sanctioned athletics.
- All students in 7th grade thru 12th grade and planning on participating in athletics must have a pre-participation sports physical. (Forms available at your physician or below.) Please turn into athletic trainer, athletic director or head coach.
- All student athletes must fill out the Acknowledgment/Medical Release found below. Please turn into athletic trainer, athletic director or head coach.
Concussion Impact Testing: Students that need a new or update concussion impact baseline test will be notified by the coach, trainer or AD to schedule an appointment prior to their season starting.
Co-Op Athletics
Shanley High School
(701) 893-3218
Grades 7-12
Season: Fall
Grades 7-12
Season: Fall
Grades 9-12
Season: Fall
Grades 7-12
Season: Fall
Grades 7-12
Season: Spring
Grades 7-12
Season: Spring
Grades 7-12
Season: Spring
Fargo Public Schools
Athletic & Activities Director: Todd Olson | (701) 446-1071
Grades 7-12
Season: Winter
Grades 7-12
Season: Winter
Grades 7-12
Season: Winter
Grades 9-12
Season: Winter
Grades 7-12
Season: Winter
Elementary & Middle School Athletics
Flag Football
Grades K-3*
Season: Fall
Fargo Park District
Boys Tackle Football
Grades 4-8*
Season: Fall
FM Athletics Football
Girls Volleyball
Grades 5 & 6
Season: Spring
Parochial School League
Girls Volleyball
Grades 7 & 8
Season: Fall
Oak Grove Volleyball Club
JO Volleyball
Grades 5-11*
Season: Spring
Oak Grove Volleyball Club
Boys Basketball
Grades 3 – 8
Season: Fall-Winter
Grover Youth Basketball League
Boys Basketball
Grades 5 & 6
Season: Winter
Parochial School League
Boys Basketball
Grades 7 & 8
Season: Winter
Oak Grove School League
Girls Basketball
Grades 3-6
Season: Fall/Winter
Grover Youth Basketball League (GYBA)
Girls Basketball
Grades 5 & 6
Season: Fall
Parochial School League
Girls Basketball
Grades 7 & 8
Season: Fall & Winter
School League
Ages 4-8*
Season: Winter
Fargo Youth Hockey League
Ages 9-15*
Season: Winter
Fargo Angels Hockey
Ages 5-15*
Season: Spring & Summer
Fargo Youth Baseball
Soccer: Ages 3-14*
Season: Fall & Spring
Our wide variety of clubs and extracurriculars has something for every student.
Performing Arts
Oak Grove is proud to offer a wide array of performing arts opportunities for students of all ages.